Tuesday 17 September 2013

Some Instagram Photos

I feel bad for just giving you a text post so here's a few photos from my Instagram!


So to round it all off, I discovered that I find it relaxing to bake when I'm stressed, I got into the University of Leicester, I passed my grade 7 violin exam, I ate a lot of Croques, I started reading A Game Of Thrones and I had a pretty good summer! 
Thanks for reading
Aleesha x

An Explanation

Hello there!
This is just going to be a quick text post to explain why I haven't been blogging and what I'm doing now.
Firstly, I'm so sorry for not posting anything for such a long while. I had January exams and then many months of stress preparing for my June exams. It was a truly horrible experience and I have never been so stressed in my life. I decided not to blog until my exams were completely over but then once they were , I just wasn't in the right mood to blog anything. Recently I've been thinking about blogging again and today I decided to get the ball rolling with this text post.

Anyway, thank goodness, the hard work paid off and I'm going to be going to the University of Leicester to study mechanical engineering! This was my first choice so I was really chuffed and I can't wait to start my course. I'm going to be living in halls despite being local to Leicester so I've been doing lots of shopping and packing. I don't move in until the 29th of September but it's hard to not get over excited and do a little bit of packing already!

Hopefully I'll be getting around to doing some photo posts as there's lots of stuff I've bought over the last few months that I'm really excited about and would love to share with you guys!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this! I hope you had a wonderful summer and you'll hear from me soon.
Aleesha x