Thursday 25 October 2012

Nothing To Envy- Barbara Demick

I was sitting on my bed browsing the internet when I looked up and felt almost ashamed of not having written anything about this book earlier.
I picked this book up on a whim about a year or so ago at Waterstones as there was an offer on and I needed one more book to make it apply. I couldn't find another book I specifically wanted so I just read the back of this and decided to give it a go. It's probably the best impulse buy I've ever made.
This book was such an eye opener into Kim Il-sung's and Kim Jong-il's reign. The book follows the lives of ordinary people and recounts their experiences at the time. The most shocking part of the book for me was about the North Korean famine that occurred from 1994 to 1998. It was truly horrific hearing about what these people had to go through.
This book is amazing. I found it so informative and gripping. Sometimes it was hard to remember that the events that happened, actually happened to real people. I'd definitely recommend giving it a read.
You can find more information here


  1. Ooh will have to give this a read! xx

    1. Yes please do, it's very good. Thanks for following!xx


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